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Office of the University Registrar

  • Military Science and Leadership Minor

    Credits: 17-19, completed with minimum grades of C

    Only those students participating in the process to become a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army can earn this minor.

    Applicants must:

    • Be a U.S. Army ROTC cadet contracted for an obligation to the U.S. Army as a commissioned officer,
    • Have completed the U.S. Army ROTC Leadership and Development Assessment Course, and
    • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0

    Required Courses

    MSL 3201 Leadership Ethics 1 3
    MSL 3202 Leadership Ethics 2 3
    MSL 4301 Officership 1 3
    MSL 4302 Officership 2 3
    MSL 4941 Advanced Leadership Training 4

    History Courses: take one

    AMH 2020 United States Since 1877 3
    AMH 3511 American Foreign Relations and Expansion Since 1914 3
    AMH 4231 U.S. World War I to World War II 3
    AMH 4270 U.S. Since World War II 3
    EUH 2002 Western Civilization: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present 3
    EUH 4280 History of the Second World War 3
    MSL 4400 U.S. Military History 1-3
minors: military-science-and-leadership