Division of Military Science
Contact Information
Location: Van Fleet Hall
Marine Corp / Navy
Air Force
Mailing Addresses:
P.O. Box 118536 Army
P.O. Box 118537 Marine Corp / Navy
P.O. Box 118535 Air Force
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
Web sites:
www.armyrotc.ufl.edu Army
www.nrotc.ufl.edu Marine Corp / Navy
www.afrotc.ufl.edu Air Force
The university offers instruction in the military sciences to students preparing for military service. The departments of the Army, Marine Corp/Navy and Air Force each maintains a Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and provides staff of military personnel for the instruction and administration of cadets and midshipmen.
Lower-division ROTC academic courses, referred to as basic or general military courses, are open to all university students. These elective courses, offered by the Department of Military Science, are designed to introduce students to a military service (Army, Marine Corp/Navy and Air Force) and their respective roles in national defense. No experience with the military is required or expected.
Upper-division courses are intended for juniors and seniors who are actively pursuing a commission as an officer. Cadets and midshipmen who complete the 3000/4000-level courses receive their commission upon graduation. Candidates for the commissioning program must be medically qualified, physically fit U.S. citizens, in good academic standing, with no criminal record and with demonstrated leadership potential. Final selection of students for the advanced course is made by the professor of military science, professor of naval science or professor of aerospace studies.
General Military Information
ROTC Scholarship Program
The ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964 provides for college scholarships to ROTC cadets and midshipmen. Scholarships are competitive and pay either the cost of tuition, books, fees, supplies and equipment or an amount toward that coverage (depending on the service) plus a monthly subsistence allowance of $300 (freshman year), $350 (sophomore year), $450 ( junior year), and $500 (senior year). Scholarships are offered for two, three and four years.
Students with Military Training Elsewhere
Students transferring from other college-level institutions with ROTC units are allowed credit for military studies completed elsewhere, up to the amount allowed by the institution from which the transfer is made, provided such credit does not exceed the maximum credits allowed for the Air Force general military course. For the Army ROTC program, transfer of all four semesters of the basic course is normally accepted. Students already in the advance course must receive approval from the professor of military science for approval of upper-division credit transfers.
A cadet who transfers to another institution with a similar-service ROTC detachment may transfer membership in the Army or Navy advanced course or the Air Force professional officer course to that detachment. The professors of military science, naval science or aerospace studies determine eligibility for admission to military science, naval science and aerospace studies courses at this university.
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Military Commitment upon Course Completion
Non-scholarship students enrolled in Army, Air Force or Navy ROTC incur no military commitment during their first two years (basic course) in the program. Upon selection by the respective departments, students completing the basic course or its equivalent may enter the ROTC advanced course. Such students execute a contract at time of entry that obligates them, upon successful completion of the advanced course and commissioning, to serve on active duty for a period of not less than three years for Army, three years for Navy and four years for Air Force. Assignments are subject to orders of the appropriate service secretary.
A graduate will continue as a member of the regular or reserve component of that service until the sixth and not later than the eighth anniversary of the commission. ROTC scholarship students incur an identical military commitment except they must serve at least four years on active duty, if selected, and depending on the service selection and warfare specialty.
Army ROTC students also may elect to participate in the guaranteed reserve forces duty option, whereby they are not required to serve on active duty. After commissioning and completion of the basic branch school, they are assigned to an Army Reserve or National Guard unit to fulfill the remainder of their eight-year obligation in a reserve forces status.
Interested students should apply in person at the office of the professor of military science, naval science or aerospace studies in Van Fleet Hall.
Uniforms, Equipment and Textbooks
ROTC uniforms are identical to regulation uniforms except for insignia. Cadets and midshipmen must wear the uniform on specified days.
Newly entering students in the Army and Air Force ROTC are issued required uniforms and texts. The uniforms and texts remain the property of ROTC and are returned to supply during semesters of nonattendance, transfer to another institution or upon completion of the prescribed course of instruction.
Navy uniforms are permanently issued to midshipmen as long as satisfactory NROTC participation is carried out. Navy/Marine Corps scholarship midshipmen receive a $300 textbook stipend each semester they are active in the NROTC program.
Army scholarship cadets receive a $1200 textbook stipend each year.
Air Force scholarship cadets receive a $900 textbook stipend each year.
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Programs of Study
Army Basic, Navy Basic and Air Force General Military Course
The Army and Navy basic courses and the Air Force general military courses include four semesters of instruction. Non-U.S. citizens must receive department approval to enroll.
Cadets and midshipmen are issued uniforms and textbooks by their respective services and are responsible financially for the care of such property and for its prompt return when directed.
Outstanding Army basic course cadets may be selected to attend airborne, air assault, northern warfare, military mountaineering training, or other U.S. Army training courses. Outstanding Air Force cadets may be selected to attend parachute free-fall training, soaring programs and summer base visits.
Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) 392-ARMY (2769)
The general objective of Army ROTC is to provide junior officers who by their education, training and inherent qualities, are suitable for continued development as officers in the U.S. Army. The aim is to provide a basic military education and, in conjunction with other college disciplines, to develop individual character attributes essential to a professional military officer.
The Army ROTC advanced course includes four semesters of instruction on campus and four weeks of summer camp at Ft. Lewis, WA, normally at the end of the junior year. During each semester, cadets are required to participate in one weekend field training exercise at Camp Blanding in Starke, FL. Additionally, cadets are required to attend morning physical training (exercise) sessions up to three times weekly.
Training Allowances and Service Obligation: Each student receives from the U.S. Government a monetary subsistence allowance for advance course, $450 for juniors and $500 for seniors per month, paid during the period of enrollment in the advanced course for not more than 20 months. Students are paid for their travel to and from the five-week summer camp at Ft. Lewis, WA. While at camp, they are provided quarters, rations and one-half of a second lieutenant’s pay per month. Qualified cadets may be eligible to serve as drilling members of reserve component units, in the pay grade of E-5 or higher, under the Simultaneous Membership Program. Upon the student’s successful completion of the advanced course and completion of the college degree, the cadet is commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
Outstanding advanced-course cadets may be selected to attend airborne, air assault, northern warfare, military mountaineering training, or other U.S. Army training courses. Several cadets are offered the opportunity to serve in leadership positions in active Army units immediately following the National Advanced Leader’s Camp under the Cadet Troop Leadership Training Program. This program includes an opportunity for selected cadets to travel and serve in Germany or Korea. Prior to commissioning, students must take and pass one semester of the following courses: military history, English composition and computer literacy in order to complete the professional military education program requirements.
All contracted cadets may compete for the Cultural Understanding and Language Program, providing opportunities to travel to other countries, living and working among the population to better their understanding of the culture. Also, for selected languages, contracted cadets may be paid additional monies ($250 per semester-credit) for successfully completing targeted languages.
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Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps
The NROTC unit was established at the university in 1972 to develop qualified officers for the Navy and Marine Corps. Students who complete the program are tendered commissions in either the Naval Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve and are immediately placed on active duty.
The program consists of a naval science course and a noncredit two-credit leadership laboratory each semester for four academic years. Shipboard engineering and Naval weapons systems, seapower and maritime symposia, terrestrial and celestial navigation, and management and leadership ethics are included in the curriculum. Training cruises, usually of four to six weeks duration with pay during the summer, also are part of the program.
Students may participate with or without a scholarship. Those who have scholarships have their tuition and fees paid by the Navy/Marine Corps and receive $300 per semester for books. They also receive $250 (freshman), $300 (sophomore), $350 (junior) and $400 (senior) per month for a maximum of eight semesters during the academic years.
Non-scholarship college program students do not receive these awards. However, they do receive naval science textbooks and uniforms free. They also receive $350 a month (during the junior year) and $400 a month (during the senior year) for up to four semesters. Scholarships are usually awarded after national competition among high school seniors. However, college program students can be awarded scholarships fewer than four years and they actually have an advantage over high school students.
Scholarship students participate in three summer cruises; college program students participate in only one cruise between their junior and senior years. College program students in advanced standing are required to attend the Naval Science Institute for six weeks before starting their junior year. There is also a two-year scholarship program and a two-year college program. Students in these two-year programs attend the Naval Science Institute before the start of their junior year. In both the two-year scholarship and two-year college program, students need to apply no later than early in the spring semester of their sophomore year; if in a five-year curriculum, by early spring semester of the junior year.
During the first year of the scholarship program, there is no obligation to serve on active duty. After students begin the sophomore year, they are obligated to serve on active duty after completing the program and receiving their baccalaureate degree. Eight-semester scholarship students incur an eight- year service obligation; four years must be active duty.
Navy-option graduates of the NROTC program will be assigned to one of the following areas: nuclear propulsion (surface and subsurface), naval aviation, surface warfare, special warfare or nursing. Marine Corps-option graduates receive a six-month professional course before further assignment.
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Air Force Officer Training Corps
The Department of Air Force Aerospace Studies was established in September 1946 to select and prepare students through a permanent program of instruction to serve as active duty officers in the U.S. Air Force. The curriculum emphasizes the uniformly high level of military understanding and knowledge required of Air Force officers.
AFROTC training is divided into two phases: the first two years constitute the General Military Course (GMC), the last two the Professional Officer Course (POC). AFROTC is designed to be a four-year program but can be completed in as little as three years. Upon completion cadets are commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force.
The program requires completion of the GMC, a four-week field training course and the POC. Students with previous active military service or previous training at military schools may on the basis of their experience receive a waiver for portions of the GMC. Students joining the program with only three academic years until graduation will be required to complete the entire GMC curriculum in one year and then attend field training.
UF students, junior college and other non-ROTC transfer students with no previous ROTC training who qualify academically are eligible for the three-year program.
AFROTC training provides free uniforms and textbooks. In addition, after field training and other enrollment requirements are completed, POC cadets receive $450 per month for juniors and $500 per month for seniors during the academic year.
General Military Course: The General Military Course, a two-year survey-level course, examines the role of U.S. military forces in the contemporary world, with particular attention to the U.S. Air Force, its organization and mission. The functions of strategic offensive and defensive forces, general purpose and aerospace support forces are covered. The development of air power over the past 200 years is examined by tracing the various concepts of employment of air power and by focusing on factors that prompted research and technological change. The history of air power is stressed, with significant examples of the impact of air power on strategic thought.
Professional Officer Course: Enrollment in the Professional Officer Course (POC) is open to applicants who demonstrate a high officer potential. Applicants must:
- Fulfill all requirements for a commission prior to the 34th (29 years for flying applicant) birthday (waivers possible to the 35th birthday)
- Have two years of academic enrollment remaining to obtain degree
- Sign a written contract agreeing to complete the course
- Be a citizen of the United States and not hold dual citizenship with another nation
- Pass the Department of Defense medical examination
- Pass the physical fitness test
- Terminate membership (if member) of any reserve component
- Enlist in the Air Force Reserve (obligated reserve section), and
- Have a cumulative academic GPA of 2.5 or higher for all previous college courses
Veterans entering the university who desire a commission through AFROTC should contact the professor of aerospace studies before registering.
All POC cadets receive up to $500 per month for up to 20 months. This is in addition to the pay received for the four-five week field training, which normally is accomplished between the sophomore and junior years. Cadets also receive compensation for travel expenses and are provided food, housing, uniforms and medical care while attending field training, which is conducted at an Air Force base.
POC academics stress the development of the leadership, management and communication skills that are vital to an officer’s effectiveness. Classroom time also is spent developing the cadet’s professional awareness and understanding the international environment as it affects the national security of the United States.
When the student successfully completes the POC and graduates from the university, he or she is commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force and is given an assignment commensurate with his or her academic major, the needs of the Air Force and his or her personal desires. The active-duty requirement for officers who enter and complete pilot training satisfactorily is ten years from the end of flight training. Those who complete combat systems officer, air battle manager or remote piloted aircraft training have a six-year active duty service commitment following graduation from flight training. For others, the requirement is four years after entering active duty.
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