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Office of the University Registrar

  • Zoology

    Zoology majors focus on the study of individual organisms and populations, as well as their relationships to each other and the environment, with the core foundation of evolution and ecology. Courses also emphasize the disciplines of anatomy, behavior, genetics, physiology and other specialized fields.

    About this Major

    To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements.

    Critical TrackingModel Semester Plan

    Courses introduce zoology majors to a wide variety of topics while allowing individual interests to be pursued. Advanced undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in research with faculty.

    Most career opportunities require advanced studies beyond the bachelor's degree. This includes preparation for graduate studies or employment in disciplines such as zoology, ecology, conservation and biology research; preparation for medical, dental or veterinary programs; or preparation for secondary-school teaching.

    Ultimately, the undergraduate degree in zoology will be shaped by students' coursework, laboratory experience, field work, and the instructors they encounter. These experiences will help to shape their goals as biologists with a focus on zoology.

    Majors should work both with a department advisor and a CLAS advisor. CLAS advisors will assist with degree requirements, university and college policy and course selection. Department advisors will help students select appropriate graduate programs, guide them in the admissions process and help identify appropriate career choices.

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    Coursework for the Major

    A zoology major consists of a minimum of 32 credits of core coursework plus a minimum of 31 credits of related coursework in chemistry, physics and mathematics/statistics. Courses used toward the major must be completed with minimum grades of C.

    Required Foundation Coursework

    • General Chemistry: CHM 2045/2045L and CHM 2046/2046L, 8 credits
    • Organic Chemistry: CHM 2210 and CHM 2211/2211L, 8 credits
    • Mathematics: MAC 2311 and MAC 2312 -or- STA 2023, 7-8 credits
    • Physics: PHY 2053/2053L and PHY 2054/2054L, 10 credits or
      PHY 2048/2048L and PHY 2049/2049L, 8 credits

    Required Core Coursework

    • Integrated Principles of Biology (BSC 2010/2010L and BSC 2011/2011L), 8 credits
    • Genetics (PCB 3063), 4 credits
    • At least three courses in zoology, 9-10 credits, from any 3000/4000-level zoology course offered through the Department of Biology, BSC 3402, BSC 4936, PCB 4043C, PCB 4674, PCB 5415C or PCB 4723C
      Students may not apply ZOO 4232, ZOO 4905 or ZOO 4940 toward this requirement.
    • Additional zoology courses, including up to two zoology major-approved biological science courses (3000/5000 level) outside of zoology, 11 credits minimum. (Total of 32 credits of core requirements)
    • Up to six credits of Individual Studies in Zoology (BOT 4911, BSC 4910, BSC 4912, ZOO 4905, ZOO 4911) will count toward the 32 credit requirement

    Students should begin the chemistry and math sequences as soon as possible. A full year of calculus and a course in statistics (such as STA 2023) are highly recommended.

    Transfer students must take at least three courses from the Department of Biology (excluding ZOO 4905, ZOO 4926 and ZOO 4940) at the University of Florida as part of the requirements for the major.

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    Relevant Minors and/or Certificates

    Majors in zoology can minor in most other disciplines, and this is a good way to organize students' electives around areas of interest. For instance, a zoology major can earn a minor in chemistry by adding just two chemistry courses: CHM 3400, 3610 or any 4000-level CHM course. Students could also consider language and humanities minors. Note that zoology majors cannot minor in biology, nor can biology majors minor in zoology (the curricula for the zoology and biology majors are too similar)

    Zoology students might want to consider the UFTeach Program. There is a severe shortage of qualified high school science teachers in Florida and nationwide. Students interested in the high-demand teaching profession should see a biology department advisor or the UFTeach advisor. Students who complete the UFTeach minor in science teaching and a B.S. in zoology will have the coursework and preparation for professional teacher certification in Florida when they graduate.

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    All zoology majors are strongly encouraged to participate in research. Research experience is valuable on many levels: it diversifies your college experience; it teaches you how scientists apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world questions; it gives you the opportunity to work with and get to know researchers who are the best in their field; it introduces you to cutting-edge scientific questions and techniques; it enhances your resume/CV if you apply to graduate or professional school; and finally, it is essential in helping you determine if science is a good career choice for you.

    CLAS zoology majors may participate in research for course credit, as a scholar (e.g., University Scholar, HHMI Science for Life Scholar, Beckman Scholar), as a volunteer, or, in rare cases, as a paid research assistant. Please visit Undergraduate Research for more information regarding course credit. Students who plan to enroll for course credit must contact potential research mentors before the end of drop/add. If they miss the drop/add window, they should still contact potential research mentors, if only to discuss upcoming opportunities.

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    Critical Tracking

    Critical Tracking records each student’s progress in courses that are required for entry to each major. Please note the critical-tracking requirements below on a per-semester basis.

    For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree Requirements: Structure of a CLAS Degree.

    Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.

    Semester 1

    • Complete one of the following in BSC, CHM or MAC: BSC 2010/2010L; CHM 1025 or CHM 2045/2045L; MAC 1114, 1140, 1147 or 2311
    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 2

    • Complete CHM 2045/2045L; and BSC 2010/2010L or MAC 2311
    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 3

    • Complete BSC 2010/2010L and MAC 2311 with a 2.5 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 4

    • Complete CHM 2046/2046L and BSC 2011/2011L with a 2.5 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 5

    • Complete CHM 2210 with a 2.5 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.0 UF GPA required
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    Model Semester Plan

    Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the courses below. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GE-N) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirement (typically, GE-C, H or S).

    This semester plan represents an example progression through the major. Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses. Prerequisites still apply.

    Semester 1 Credits
    CHM 2045 General Chemistry 1, 3 credits, and
    CHM 2045L General Chemistry 1 Laboratory, 1 credit
    State Core GE-P
    IUF 1000 What is the Good Life
    MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1
    State Core GE-M
    BSC 1920 First Year Introduction: Biology at UF recommended
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    State Core GE-S
    Total 15
    Semester 2 Credits
    CHM 2046 General Chemistry 2, 3 credits, and
    CHM 2046L General Chemistry 2 Laboratory, 1 credit
    MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2, 4 credits, or
    STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1, 3 credits
    State Core GE-C; WR
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    Total 13-14
    Semester 3 Credits
    BSC 2010 Integrated Principles of Biology 1, 3 credits, and
    BSC 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory 1, 1 credit
    CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry 1, 3 credits, or
    CHM 3217 Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 1, 4 credits
    Elective 3
    State Core GE-H
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    Total 16-17
    Semester 4 Credits
    BSC 2011 Integrated Principles of Biology 2, 3 credits, and
    BSC 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory 2, 1 credit
    CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry 2, 3 credits, (if CHM 2210 was taken Semester 3) or
    CHM 3218 Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 2, 4 credits
    CHM 2211L Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2
    Elective 3
    Total 15-16
    Semester 5 Credits
    PHY 2053 Physics 1, 4 credits, and
    PHY 2053L Laboratory for Physics 1, 1 credit
    Zoology courses 5-10
    Total 13-18
    Semester 6 Credits
    PCB 3063 Genetics 4
    PHY 2054 Physics 2, 4 credits, and
    PHY 2054L Laboratory for Physics 2, 1 credit
    3000 level or above, not in major, if needed
    Zoology course
    Or other approved biological sciences course
    Total 16-18
    Semester 7 Credits
    Elective 4
    BSC 4936 recommended
    Foreign language 5
    Zoology courses 6-7
    Total 17-18
    Semester 8 Credits
    3000 level or above, not in major, if needed
    Foreign language 5
    Zoology course 3-5
    Zoology course
    Or other approved biological sciences course
    Total 15-18
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majors: zoology