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Office of the University Registrar

  • Russian

    Foreign Languages and Literatures

    Students who major in Russian graduate with a solid working knowledge of the language and a thorough understanding of Russian culture and everyday life.

    About this Major

    To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements.

    Critical TrackingModel Semester Plan

    The B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures (FLL) provides students with a comprehensive knowledge of a specific language (or languages) and advanced familiarity with the cultural practices and traditions associated with the language(s) of specialization.  The major in FLL enhances critical thinking and communication skills and provides students with a cross-cultural understanding of our contemporary world.  The program allows students the flexibility to explore a single or dual language specialization as well as the opportunity to study culture through interdisciplinary fields of critical concentration, such as Comparative Cultural Studies, Film and Visual Culture, Intensive Area Studies, Literary Studies, Medieval and Early Modern Studies. A major in FLL offers an excellent basis for a variety of careers, including graduate study in an area of foreign language and culture and/or in the humanities and social sciences, as well as careers in education, international development, diplomacy and government, national security, communications, law, journalism, arts and culture, publishing, and global business. Participation in UF study-abroad programs or a UF approved program is highly encouraged.

    Foreign Languages and Literatures Options

    Students can tailor their program of study to fit their personal and career goals, be it reading Tolstoy in the original or tapping into one of the hottest emerging global markets. Majors also receive priority placement in our popular study-abroad programs in Moscow.

    Completed alone or in combination with a second major, the Russian specialization of the Foreign Languages and Literatures major prepares students for a variety of careers, including law, government, national security, international relations, business, education and graduate programs in the humanities and social sciences. Beyond this, it equips students with analytical skills essential for performing effectively in today's multicultural world.

    Small class sizes and an outstanding professional teaching staff ensure that students have every opportunity to learn and excel.

    Students who intend to pursue the Russian specialization or a Russian minor should consult the undergraduate coordinator for Russian studies as soon as possible.

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    Coursework for the Major

    The Russian specialization in Foreign Languages and Literatures consists of preparatory language study at the beginning and Intermediate levels, and 33 hours of advanced language, theory, and culture study in the upper division.

    All coursework for the major must be completed with minimum grades of C.

    Required Foundation Coursework: 18 credits

    • RUS 1130 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 1, 5 credits
    • RUS 1131 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 2, 5 credits
    • RUS 2220 Intermediate Russian 1, 4 credits
    • RUS 3400 Intermediate Russian 2, 4 credits

    Required Core Coursework: 33 credits

    Advanced Language, 9 credits:

    • RUS 4501 Russian Studies Research Seminar, 3 credits
    • RUS 4930 Advanced Russian 1 and 2, 6 credits

    Advanced Elective Coursework: 15 credits minimum

    • Language, Literature, Culture in Russian: 6 credits, with at least 3 credits at the 4000-level
      • RUS 3240 Oral Practice in Russian, 3 credits
      • RUS 4300 Advanced Grammar & Composition, 3 credits
      • RUS 4411 Advanced Oral Practice, 3 credits

      • RUS 4502 Language & Culture of Russian Business World, 3 credits
      • RUS 4503 Theory and Practice of Russian-English Translation 1, 3 credits
      • RUS 4700 Structure of Russian Language, 3 credits
      • RUS 4780 Corrective Phonetics and Intonation, 3 credits
      • RUS 4905 Individual Work, 3 credit max.
      • RUS 4911 Undergraduate Research in Russian, 0-3 credits
      • RUS 4956 Overseas Studies, 1-15 credits
      • RUS 4930 Special Topics in Russian
      • RUW 3100 Reading Russian Press
      • RUW 3101 Reading Russian Lit., 3 credits
      • RUW 4301 Russian Drama and Poetry, 3 credits
      • RUW 4341 Russian Media Culture, 3 credits
      • RUW 4370 Russian Short Prose, 3 credits
      • RUW 4932 Selected Readings in Russian, 1-3 credits
    • Russian Literature and Culture in English: 9 credits minimum 
      • RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces, 3 credits
      • RUT 3441 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, 3 credits
      • RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Literature, 3 credits
      • RUT 3443 War and Peace, 3 credits
      • RUT 3452 Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century, 3 credits
      • RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture and Society, 3 credits
      • RUT 3503 Violence and Terror in Russian Experience, 3 credits
      • RUT 3504 Russia Today, 3 credits
      • RUT 3506 Creative Lives: Writers, Artists and Extraordinary People, 3 credits
      • RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales, 3 credits
      • RUT 3524 Russia Through Film, 3 credits
      • RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature, 3 credits
      • RUT 3930 Variable Topics in Russian, 1-3 credits
      • RUT 4440 Pushkin and Gogol, 3 credits
      • RUT 4450 Russian Modernism, 3 credits
      • RUT 4930 Variable Topics in Russian, 1-3 credits

    Critical Concentration: 9 credits from one concentration
    Although courses may appear in more than one group they may be counted toward only one group

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    Overseas Study

    Students are encouraged to consider the UF summer program in Russian language and culture at Moscow State University in Russia.


    Students with an upper-division GPA of 3.5 are encouraged to write a thesis for high or highest honors at graduation.

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    Critical Tracking

    Critical Tracking records each student’s progress in courses that are required for entry to each major. Please note the critical-tracking requirements below on a per-semester basis.

    For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree Requirements: Structure of a CLAS Degree.

    Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.

    Semester 1

    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 2

    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 3

    • Complete RUS 1130 or higher-level Russian course with a minimum grade of C
    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 4

    • Complete RUS 1131 or higher-level Russian course with 2.5 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.0 UF GPA required

    Semester 5

    • Complete RUS 2220 or any 2000-level Russian course with 2.5 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.0 UF GPA required
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    Model Semester Plan

    Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the courses below. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GE-N) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirement (typically GE-C, H or S). One of the two general education mathematics courses must be a pure math course.

    Beginning language is best started semester 1 and absolutely no later than semester 3, but study abroad or accredited intensive summer courses can be used to fall in with an ideal semester progression.

    This semester plan represents an example progression through the major. Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses. Prerequisites still apply.

    Semester 1 Credits
    RUS 1130 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 1 5
    Biological or Physical Science
    State Core GE-B or P
    State Core GE-C; WR
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    State Core GE-S
    Total 14
    Semester 2 Credits
    IUF 1000 What is the Good Life
    RUS 1131 Introduction to Russian Language and Culture 2 5
    Biological or Physical Science
    Area not taken in semester 1, GE-B or GE-P
    State Core GE-M
    Science laboratory
    GE-P or B
    Total 15
    Semester 3 Credits
    RUS 2220 Intermediate Russian 1 4
    Russian Literature and Culture in English
    3000 level or above
    Physical Science
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    Total 16
    Semester 4 Credits
    RUS 3400 Intermediate Russian 2 4
    Russian Literature and Culture in English
    3000 level or above; GE-H and N, if not previously met
    State Core GE-H
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    Elective 2
    Total 15
    Semester 5 Credits
    Language, Literature, Culture in Russian
    3000 level or above
    RUS 4930 Advanced Russian 1 3
    Biological Science
    GE-C; WR
    3000 level or above, not in major
    Total 15
    Semester 6 Credits
    RUS 4930 Advanced Russian 2 3
    Critical Concentration course 3
    Russian Literature and Culture in English
    3000 level or above
    3000 level or above, not in major
    Total 15
    Semester 7 Credits
    RUS 4501 Russian Studies Research Seminar 3
    Critical Concentration course 3
    3000 level or above, not in major
    Elective 3
    Total 15
    Semester 8 Credits
    Language, Literature, Culture in Russian
    4000 level or above
    Critical Concentration course 3
    Elective or
    RUS 4905 Individual Work in Russian: Honors Thesis (Optional)
    3000 level or above, not in major
    Total 15
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    Critical Concentration Courses: 9 credits from one concentration

    Although courses may appear in more than one group they may be counted toward only one group

    Course Credits
    Intensive Area Studies: Russian
    Recommended for those planning to pursue careers requiring advanced level skills in Russian or graduate work in Russian Studies
    RUS 3240 Oral Practice in Russian 3
    RUS 4300 Advanced Grammar & Composition 3
    RUS 4411 Advanced Oral Practice 3
    RUS 4501 Russian Studies Research Seminar 3
    RUS 4502 Language & Culture of Russian Business World 3
    RUS 4503 Theory & Practice of Russian-English Translation 1 3
    RUS 4504 Theory & Practice of Russian-English Translation 2 3
    RUS 4700 Structure of Russian Language 3
    RUS 4780 Corrective Phonetics & Intonation 3
    RUS 4911 Undergraduate Research in Russian 0-3
    RUS 4956 Overseas Studies 1-15
    RUW 3101 Reading Russian Lit. 3
    RUW 4301 Russian Drama & Poetry 3
    RUW 4341 Russian Media Culture 3
    RUW 4370 Russian Short Prose 3
    RUW 4932 Selected Readings Russian 3
    Comparative Cultural Studies
    ABT 3500 Arabic Culture 3
    ABT 4131 The Qu’ran as Literature 3
    ARA 3510 The Arab Woman 3
    CHT 3500 Chinese Culture 3
    CHT 3513 Taoism & Chinese Culture 3
    CZT 3564 Modern Czech Culture & Society 3
    FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France 3
    FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema 3-4
    GET 3003 German Culture & Civilization 1 3
    GET 3004 Modern German Culture & Civilization 3
    HAI 3930 Haitian Culture & Society 3
    HAT 3564 Haitian Culture & Society 3
    ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy 3
    ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives on Holocaust 3
    ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian 3
    JPT 3500 Japanese Culture 3
    JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore 3
    RUT 3501 Cont. Russian Culture & Society 3
    RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian Experience 3
    RUT 3504 Russia Today 3
    RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales 3
    RUT 3530 Russia's Struggle with Nature 3
    RUT 4450 Russian Modernism 3
    VTT 3500 Vietnamese Culture 3
    YOT 3500 Yoruba Diaspora in New World 3
    Film and Visual Culture
    CHT 3523 Hong Kong, Taiwan and Global Cinema 4
    CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese 3
    CHT 3391 Chinese Film and Media 4
    FRT 3520 French Cinema 4
    FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema 4
    FRT 4523 Euro Identities, Euro Cinema 4
    GET 3520 Early German Cinema 4
    GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media 3
    GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust 3
    GET 4291 Women and German Cinema 4
    GET 4293 New German Cinema 4
    GET 4930 Variable Topics in German 3
    HBR 4930 Special Topics 3
    ITT 3521 Italian Cinema 4
    ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy 3
    ITT 3541 Italian Mafia Movies 3
    ITT 3930 Special Topics in Italian 3
    JPN 4930 Special Topics in Japanese 3
    JPT 3391 Intro to Japanese Film 3
    PLT 3520 Polish Cinema 4
    RUT 3524 Russia Through Film 4
    SSA 4930 Special Topics: African Film 3
    Literary Studies
    ABT 3130 Arabic Literary Heritage 3
    ABT 4131 The Qu’ran as Literature 3
    CHI 4930 Special Topics in Chinese 3
    CHT 3110 Chinese Literary Heritage 3
    CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction 3
    CHT 3124 Modern Chinese Fiction 3
    CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber 3
    CHT 4603 Journey to the West 3
    FRT 3004 Monuments & Masterpieces of France 3
    FRT 3561 Women in French Lit/Cinema 3-4
    GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood 3
    GET 3501 History, Literature, Arts of Berlin 3
    GET 3580 War in Lit/Visual Media 3
    GET 3581 Lit and Arts of the Holocaust 3
    GET 4930 Variable Topics in German 3
    HBR 4930 Special Topics in Hebrew 3
    HBT 3223 Identity/Dissent in Hebrew Short Story 3
    HBT 3562 Jews & Arabs in Mod. Hebrew Fiction 3
    HBT 3563 Women in Mod. Hebrew Fiction 3
    HBT 3564 Motherhood Mod. Hebrew Lit. 3
    ITT 3431 Italy & Pilgrimages 3
    ITT 3540 Crime Fiction & Film in Italy 3
    ITT 3700 Italian Perspectives Holocaust 3
    ITT 3930 Special Topics Italian 3
    JPT 3100 Tales of Kyoto 3
    JPT 3120 Modern Japanese Fiction in Translation 3
    JPT 3121 Contemporary Japanese Lit.: Postwar to Postmodern 3
    JPT 3150 Classical Japanese Poetry 3
    JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales 3
    JPT 4130 Tale of Genji 3
    JPT 4502 Japanese Folklore 3
    PLT 3930 Special Topics in Polish 3
    RUT 3101 Russian Masterpieces 3
    RUT 3441 Tolstoy & Dostoevsky 3
    RUT 3442 Themes from Russian Lit. 3
    RUT 3443 War and Peace 3
    RUT 3452 20th c. Russian Literature 3
    RUT 3503 Violence & Terror in Russian 3
    RUT 3506 Creative Lives: Writers, Artists and Extraordinary People 3
    RUT 3514 Russian Fairy Tales 3
    RUT 3530 Russia’s Struggle with Nature 3
    RUT 3930 Variable Topics Russian 3
    RUT 4440 Pushkin & Gogol 3
    RUT 4450 Russian Modernism 3
    SST 4502 African Oral Literatures 3
    SSW 4713 African Women Writers 3
    YOR 4502 Yoruba Oral Literatures 3
    Medieval and Early Modern Studies
    ARA 3510 The Arab Woman 3
    CHT 3123 Pre-modern Chinese Fiction 3
    CHT 3513 Taoism and Chinese Culture 3
    CHT 4111 Dream of the Red Chamber 3
    CHT 4603 Journey to the West 3
    GET 3200 Literature of Knighthood 3
    ITT 3431 Italy and Pilgrimages 3
    JPT 3300 Samurai War Tales 3
    MEM 3003 Intro to Medieval World 3
    MEM 3300 Castles and Cloisters 3
    MEM 3301 Palaces and Cities 3
    MEM 3730 Studies in Holy Roman Empire 3
    MEM 3805 Research Methods in Medieval & Early Modern 3
    MEM 3931 Topics Medieval & Early Modern 3
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