AFS 2002 The African Experience: An Introduction to African Studies
Credits: 3.
Introductory study of African society and culture that examines the richness, diversity and time-depth of African civilizations. (N and S)
AFS 3300 Poverty and Development in Africa
Credits: 3.
Contemporary study of development issues in Africa, their challenges and possible solutions. The course is theme based and includes economic development, agriculture and the environment, social issues and gender equality, and democracy and political development.
AFS 3352 Culture, Health and Arts in Sub-Saharan Africa
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior standing or 6 credits minimum from AFH 2003, AFS 2002, AFS 4905, AFS 4935, HUM 2420 or HUM 2424.
Explores Sub-Saharan African cultures, health issues and belief systems related to health and the arts. Also provides a framework through which students can understand health and health care systems in other cultures.
Credits: 3.
Introduction to the role of Islam in African history, with particular attention to the religion's place in economic and political systems.
AFS 3800 Childhood in African Literature and Cinema
Credits: 3.
Course explores African conceptions of childhood through the mediums of literature and film. Students will examine how childhood is represented in diverse African cultures.
Credits: 3.
Understanding African societies south of the Sahara through the study of the functions, roles and meanings of households and families. This course emphasizes diversity within and commonalities among the myriad forms of African families.
Credits: 3.
Course examines lives of Africans and formation of African communities in contemporary Western settings. Course also addresses the relationship between Africans in the contemporary Diaspora and their home communities in Africa.
AFS 4315 Critical Issues in Contemporary Africa
Credits: 3.
A seminar for upper-division students that discusses perspectives on conflict resolution, corruption, economic development, environmental management, food security, governance, international assistance and public health in contemporary Africa. In addition, the course enhances students' skills in analysis, discussion and debate.
Credits: 3.
Course introduces students to historical and contemporary roles of women in African political systems, from local to national governance.
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or senior standing.
Exploration of issues of gender, development and culture through memoirs, ethnographies, narratives and films about women in Africa.
AFS 4340 Community Conservation and Rural Development in Africa
Credits: 3.
Course examines the practicalities and theoretical foundations of community conservation in Africa, with particular attention to the relationship between conservation and rural development issues. Main themes include property rights, governance and local-global relations.
AFS 4345 Political Economy of Conservation in Africa
Credits: 3.
Students analyze effectiveness of diverse approaches to natural resource preservation and uses. Case studies are primarily from southern and eastern Africa and readings focus on political and economic aspects of conservation strategies.
Credits: 3.
This course utilizes the social science literature on AIDS in Africa to explore the social, economic and broad cultural impacts of the epidemic.
Credits: 3; Prereq: junior standing or 6 credits minimum from AFS 2002, AFS 3300, AFS 4260, AFS 4315, AFS 4330, AFS 4350 or AFS 4935.
This interdisciplinary seminar incorporates scholarship from anthropology, geography, history, political science, sociology and urban planning to understand African cities, their rapid growth and their future development.
Credits: 1 to 9; can be repeated with change in content.
Individual study and research for topics not covered in other courses.
AFS 4911 Undergraduate Research in African Studies
Credits: 0 to 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits.
Course provides firsthand, supervised research in African studies. Projects may involve inquiry, design, investigation, scholarship, discovery or application in African studies.
AFS 4935 African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar
Credits: 3; can be repeated with a change in content up to 9 credits. Prereq: junior or senior standing, or instructor permission.
A seminar on a selected interdisciplinary theme.
Credits: 1 to 15; can be repeated with a change in content up to 15 credits. Prereq: undergraduate adviser permission.
This course provides a mechanism by which coursework taken as part of an approved study abroad program can be recorded on the UF transcript and counted toward graduation.