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Office of the University Registrar

  • Athletic Training

    Students majoring in athletic training are reviewed each semester against critical-tracking criteria established by the department and athletic training faculty.

    About this Major

    To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements.

    Critical TrackingModel Semester Plan

    Acceptance into the athletic training (AT) program requires a secondary application (portfolio) process beyond that required for admission to the University of Florida. Due to the competitive nature and restricted capacity, the Board of Governors has designated the AT program a limited-access program. Please review the most current version of the UF undergraduate catalog and speak to your academic advisor. Portfolio materials are due in the APK advising office (FLG 190E) on or before February 1st of the sophomore year.

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    Portfolio Process for Admission

    AT program admission requires successful completion of all pre-requisite requirements prior to enrollment (Summer B). The AT program grants conditional admission until applicants meet all requirements. The AT program may deny admission if a student fails to meet conditionally admission requirements prior to the summer B admission term. An AT program assistant distributes application packets in FLG 190E on or after October 15th each academic year.

    Required documents are noted in parentheses. Forms are considered part of the application packet.

    • Completion of 100 observation hours under the supervision of an AT (Clinical Experience Observation form).
    • Completion of pre-AT student observation hours occur during the freshman and/or sophomore year (or during completion of an Associate's degree).
    • Two letters of recommendation (supervising AT, pre-AT academic faculty) (recommendation form).
    • Letter of intent (Please draft a typed/professional letter to the AT steering committee. Include information that helps the committee understand why the applicant chose a career in Athletic Training, academic/professional goals, relevant pre-AT experiences that shaped the applicant's selection of the AT program, etc.)
    • Bloodborne pathogens training certificate (students should complete the UF Environmental Health and Safety Training for BBP (UF_EHS850C - Clinical Audience) via the myTraining site and provide the completion certificate, valid through the end of the application semester).
    • Complete HIPAA training via myTraining (see instructions for access at the UF Privacy Office website) and the Confidentiality Statement (health) information via the left-hand menu of the Privacy website. Students must provide a copy of the HIPAA certificate and signed Confidentiality (health) statement. Important note: HIPAA and Confidentiality training expires December 31st annually so you will need to renew in January of the application year; all students should have training current through the application year.
    • Emergency cardiac care (ECC) Certification (provide a copy of the card); for details regarding acceptable ECC certification, please refer to the AT program website.
    • Comply with communicable disease policies (Signed Active Communicable Disease Policies form).
    • Current immunization record (HBV vaccination or signed waiver, Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine or signed waiver, Tuberculosis skin test [PPD negative], MMR, Td [tetanus/diphtheria] and/or Tdap within last 10 years, Varicella [chicken pox vaccine or history of disease] and Flu vaccination for the current season (Immunization, Wellness and Health Insurance Attestation form).
    • Attestation by medical provider student meets immunization and technical standards requirements (Immunization, Wellness and Health Insurance Attestation form).
    • Health insurance coverage (Immunization, Wellness and Health Insurance Attestation form)
    • Meet technical standards with or without accommodations (Technical Standards form)
    • Admission into the University of Florida's Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (transfer students). All transfer students must meet the requirements for Summer B admission and apply by February 1st.
    • Upon selection for admission consideration, candidates must complete an interview with AT steering committee.
    • Completion of all common prerequisites as outlined by the Florida Board of Governors for Athletic Training in the State University System (Official Transcript and Advising form).
    • Completion of at least 60 credit hours, including general education and university writing requirements (Official Transcript and Advising form).
    • Overall and critical-tracking GPA must be a minimum 3.0 (Official Transcript and Advising form).
    • B grade (3.0/4.0) or higher in Anatomy (APK 2100C with lab or equivalent) and Physiology (APK 2105C with lab or equivalent). (Official Transcript and Advising form)
    • The AT program notifies candidates on or before April 1st regarding admission.
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    Selection Criteria

    Selection of students is competitive and is based on successful completion of the admission portfolio process. Admission occurs once each academic year and begins the summer B term. After evaluation of portfolio requirements, the AT steering committee selects admission candidates. The UF AT program may take up to 20 deserving individuals a year, but reserves the right to admit fewer students.

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    Transfer Students

    Please review the admissions requirements listed above and all transfer information on the AT website. The AT program grants admission to those candidates who meet all program admission requirements as outlined above. The registrar and AT program director evaluate all coursework completed, regardless of institution, to determine whether the course objectives meet those required for admission into the program. Students may be required to provide the syllabus from a course completed at another institution as part of the evaluation process. If a course completed at another institution does not meet the requirements for the AT program, the student may be required to re-take the course at UF prior to program admission.

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    Critical Tracking

    Critical Tracking records each student’s progress in courses that are required for entry to each major. Please note the critical-tracking requirements below on a per-semester basis.

    Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.

    Semester 1

    • Complete 1 of 7 critical-tracking courses with a 2.5 critical-tracking GPA:
      APK 2100C, APK 2105C, BSC 2010 and 2010L, HUN 2201, PHY 2053 and 2053L or
      PHY 2048 and 2048L, PSY 2012 and STA 2023
    • 2.5 UF GPA required

    Semester 2

    • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses with a 2.6 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.6 UF GPA required

    Semester 3

    • Complete 2 additional critical-tracking courses with a 2.8 critical-tracking GPA
    • 2.8 UF GPA required

    Semester 4

    • Complete all 7 critical-tracking courses and associated labs with a 3.0 critical-tracking GPA
    • 3.0 UF GPA required
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    Model Semester Plan

    To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold. Students tracking pre-AT should not complete upper-division courses (e.g., APK 3110C, APK 3220C, APK 3400 or APK 4125C) in advance of formal program admission.

    This semester plan represents an example progression through the major. Actual courses and course order may be different depending on the student's academic record and scheduling availability of courses. Prerequisites still apply.

    Semester 1 Credits
    IUF 1000 What is the Good Life
    PSY 2012 General Psychology
    State Core GE-S
    State Core GE-C; WR
    CHM 1025 recommended as prerequisite for HUN 2201
    GE-M; recommend MAC 1147 Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry (4) or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (4), which is required for PHY 2048
    Total 14-15
    Semester 2 Credits
    BSC 2010 General Biology 1
    State Core GE-B
    BSC 2010L General Biology 1 Laboratory
    HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
    STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1
    State Core GE-M
    PHY 2020 recommended if planning to take PHY 2048, or WR
    Total 16
    Semester 3 Credits
    APK 2100C Applied Human Anatomy with Laboratory
    PHY 2053 Physics 1, 4 credits, and
    PHY 2053L Laboratory for Physics 1 Laboratory, 1 credit

    PHY 2048 Physics with Calculus 1, 3 credits, and
    PHY 2048L Laboratory for Physics with Calculus 1, 1 credit
    GE-C; WR
    State Core GE-H; D/N
    Total 14-15
    Semester 4 Credits
    APK 2105C Applied Human Physiology with Laboratory
    HSC 3537 Medical Terminology recommended
    Social and Behavioral Sciences
    GE-S, D/N; HSC 3102 Personal and Family Health recommended
    Total 16
    Summer Credits
    ATR 3102 Principles of Athletic Training 4
    ATR 4112C Emergency Management of Athletic Trauma 3
    Total 7
    Semester 5 Credits
    ATR 4212C Athletic Injury Assessment: Upper Extremity 4
    ATR 4302C Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Training 4
    ATR 4812 Athletic Training Clinical Experience 1 4
    Total 12
    Semester 6 Credits
    APK 3110C Physiology of Exercise and Training
    Prerequisite for APK 4125C
    ATR 4213C Athletic Injury Assessment: Lower Extremity 4
    ATR 4314C Rehabilitation Techniques in Athletic Training 4
    ATR 4822 Athletic Training Clinical Experience 2 4
    Total 15
    Semester 7 Credits
    APK 3220C Biomechanical Basis of Movement 3
    ATR 4315 Functional Sport Conditioning 3
    ATR 4432 Clinical Pathology and Pharmacology 3
    ATR 4832 Athletic Training Clinical Experience 3 4
    Total 13
    Semester 8 Credits
    APK 3400 Introduction to Sport Psychology 3
    APK 4125C Physical Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription 3
    ATR 4512 Athletic Training Administration 3
    ATR 4842 Athletic Training Clinical Experience 4 4
    Total 13

    Students need three international (GE-N) credits and three diversity (GE-D) credits for the degree.

    Writing requirement (WR): Students need 24,000 words for the degree.

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majors: athletic-training