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Office of the University Registrar

  • Agricultural Operations Management
    College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
    Administered by Agricultural and Biological Engineering
    ALS 3133 Agricultural and Environmental Quality
    Credits: 3.
    Analysis of effects of agriculture on environmental quality; emphasis on agricultural wastes and practices; potential for using agricultural systems for disposal of other wastes; effects of pollution on the agricultural environment. (P)
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    AOM 2520 Global Sustainable Energy: Past, Present and Future
    Credits: 3.
    Students will explore the global history of energy sources. New energy sources are investigated and international solutions to future needs are analyzed.
    AOM 3073 Safety in Agriculture
    Credits: 3.
    Safety concepts, principles, practices, rules and regulations as they relate to agriculture. Developing and conducting safety programs and conducting safety inspections and accident investigations are other aspects of the course.
    AOM 3220 Agricultural Construction and Maintenance
    Credits: 3.
    Selection and use of materials and tools used in planning, constructing and maintaining buildings. Students will participate in class lectures and hands-on laboratory activities to build full-scale projects involving framing, plumbing, electrical, windows, etc. Building codes and building science are combined to provide an introduction to the changing world of construction.
    AOM 3333 Pesticide Application Techniques
    Credits: 3.
    Equipment and methods used to apply pesticides in agriculture. Emphasizes techniques used to avoid misapplication, a common cause of pesticide failures.
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    AOM 3432 Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources
    Credits: 3.
    Survey of computer tools and technologies for agriculture and natural resource managers including an introduction to computer systems and more. Guest lecturers give overview of GIS, soil science, crop modeling, turf grass, citrus and others.
    AOM 3732 Agricultural Water Management
    Credits: 3.
    Basic hydrology: rainfall, intensity, depth, frequency, distribution and runoff. Conservation practices, land drainage, irrigation and management alternatives are emphasized.
    AOM 3734 Irrigation Principles and Practices in Florida
    Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1147.
    Irrigation practice related to Florida agriculture. The course deals with irrigation system characteristics, management, maintenance and economics.
    AOM 4062 Principles of Food Engineering
    Credits: 4; Prereq: MAC 1147 and 3 credits of physics.
    The functional requirements and principles of operation of systems for handling and processing food and agricultural products.
    AOM 4314C Power and Machinery Management
    Credits: 3.
    Functional requirements, operating principles, performance, safety and economic application of agricultural power units and field machines for citrus, vegetable and field crop production.
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    AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture
    Credits: 3; Prereq: junior standing.
    Principles and applications of technologies supporting precision farming and planning for natural resource data management. Global positioning systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), variable rate technologies (VRT), data layering of independent variables, automated guidance, Internet, information access and computer software for management.
    AOM 4444C Electrical Power and Instrumentation for Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 3.
    Fundamental concepts of electricity, power, instrumentation, computer control operations and selected transducers. Foundation to aid in management of agricultural processing operations.
    AOM 4455 Agricultural Operations and Systems
    Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1147 and a computer course.
    Quantitative and managerial techniques for management and planning of technical resources in agriculture. Applications of queuing theory, project scheduling, optimization and expert decision systems.
    AOM 4461 Sustainable Agricultural Systems
    Credits: 3; Prereq: senior standing and PHY 2004 or the equivalent.
    Minimizing energy and costs in agricultural and natural resource systems and industries. Students explore ways to enhance sustainable systems by improving efficiency. Topics include agricultural machinery, pumps, motors, fans, refrigeration, lights and construction methods.
    AOM 4521 Introduction to Biofuels
    Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010, PHY 2004 and CHM 2045 or the equivalent.
    An overview of biofuel production related to technologies and feedstocks, economics of producing biofuels and impact on the environment and the local economy. Dealing specifically with liquid and gaseous biofuels and bioenergy produced from renewable resources, it provides a summary of the past, present and future production technologies and applications.
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    AOM 4642 Environmental Systems for Agricultural Structures
    Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1147 and 3 credits of physics.
    Effects of the environment on plant and animal production, processing operations and quality of stored produce. Selection of building materials and sizing of components of environmental systems in agricultural structures to enhance more efficient agricultural production, processing and storage.
    AOM 4643 Environmental Hydrology: Principles and Issues
    Credits: 3.
    This is a basic course in environmental hydrology intended for agricultural and natural resource managers. The first half of the course covers scientific principles of the hydrologic cycle while the second half investigates case studies of current water quality and water management issues.
    AOM 4900 Supervised Extension Experience in Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 0 to 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits.
    Firsthand, authentic extension experiences in agricultural operations management under the supervision of a faculty member. Projects may involve program planning, development, implementation, and evaluation.
    AOM 4905 Special Problems in Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change in content up to 12 credits; Prereq: permission of department chair or advisor.
    Selected problems or projects in the student's major field of mechanized study.
    AOM 4911 Supervised Research in Agricultural Education and Communication
    Credits: 0 to 3; can be repeated with a change in content up to 6 credits.
    Firsthand, authentic research in Agricultural Education and Communication under the supervision of a faculty member. Projects may involve inquiry, design, investigation, scholarship, discovery or application. (S-U)
    AOM 4915 Honors Thesis Research in Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 0 to 3; can be repeated with a change in content up to 6 credits. Prereq: junior standing, upper division GPA of 3.75 or higher and completed honors thesis proposal on file.
    Independent research in agricultural operations management leading to an honors thesis. Student will be mentored by a faculty member. Projects may involve inquiry, design, investigation, scholarship, discovery or application. (S-U)
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    AOM 4932 Special Topics in Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: instructor permission.
    Variable topics provide content for the study of mechanized agriculture topics not offered in other courses.
    AOM 4933 Professional Practices in Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 1; Prereq: junior standing in agricultural operations management.
    Professionalism and interfacing of technical skills. Topics include ethics, continuing education, placement skills and professional development in agricultural operations management.
    AOM 4941 Full-Time Practical Work Experience in Agricultural Operations Management
    Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: arrange with advisor and department permission. (S-U)
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descriptions: agricultural-operations-management