Declaring a Major
Upon entering UF as a freshman, students are encouraged to declare the major that she or he feels they are most likely to pursue. Students may declare Exploratory if they are unsure. In their first few terms, students should take courses to explore multiple academic areas. Many students have varied interests and will graduate with minors, certificates, double majors, dual degrees and/or combined degrees.
Exploring Areas of Interest
Exploring areas of interest early helps students determine whether they want to pursue additional academic programs. In addition, quite a few students change majors in their first or second year, so exploring multiple areas early helps students to confirm his or her choice of major or identify a more desirable major.
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Declaring an Exploratory Category
First-year students with no major preference can declare one of three exploratory categories (humanities and letters, social and behavioral sciences, or science and engineering) for the first three fall/spring terms. Exploratory students are advised by the Academic Advising Center and affiliated with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Exploratory students should be purposeful in all of their decisions, particularly when it comes to choosing classes for each semester to be sure they are taking courses to explore potential majors. They must also actively work to narrow down UF majors to one that fits their aspirations and abilities.
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Changing Majors
Students also may change majors with college approval. Students who change majors in the first year usually progress toward graduation in a timely manner. The degree shopping feature on ONE.UF enables current UF students to match their academic records to the degree requirements of any other major, so that they can consider other degree options and determine what courses would be needed. When considering majors, students should talk to an advisor in the college that offers that major to learn more about the program.
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