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Office of the University Registrar

  • Spanish

    Credits: 18, completed with minimum grades of C

    A minimum of nine credits must be completed at the University of Florida, including one 4000-level course. No more than three credits of SPN 4905 Individual Work can apply.

    Students must complete a minimum of six credits of coursework exclusive to the minor that cannot count toward the major(s) or other minors.

    Please be aware of prerequisite courses for certain 3000/4000-level courses:

    • SPN 3301 is the prerequisite for SPN 4420
    • SPN 3700 is the prerequisite for 4000-level SPN linguistics courses
    • SPN 4780 is the prerequisite for SPN 4840
    • The prerequisite for 4000-level SPW courses is one SPW 3000-level course

    Required Courses

    Courses Credits
    SPN 2240 Intensive Communication Skills or
    SPN 2340 Introduction to Reading and Writing for Bilingual Speakers
    SPN 3300 Spanish Grammar and Composition 1 or
    SPN 3350 Spanish Grammar and Composition for Bilingual Speakers
    SPN or SPW courses at the 3000/4000 level
    At least three credits at the 4000 level
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minors: spanish