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Office of the University Registrar

  • Academic Learning Compact: Accounting

    The major offers a balanced, intellectually vibrant study of accounting. Upon completion of the baccalaureate program, you will possess the requisite accounting skills for entry-level positions in the practice of public accounting, in industry, in financial services, in government and in business more generally. You also will be prepared for graduate study in accounting, in business and in related professions such as the law. More broadly, you will be prepared for success in a constantly evolving global economy.

    Additional information is available from the description of this major.

    Before Graduating You Must

    • Take the Business Field Test as prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The score will be incorporated into a core business course taken in the final term.
    • Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.

    Skills You Will Acquire in the Major (SLOs)

    1. Describe individual business disciplines and their relationship to the global business environment.
    2. Prepare financial statements based upon generally accepted accounting principles.
    3. Identify basic U.S. tax laws applicable to businesses and individuals.
    4. Explain the attestation function and describe generally accepted auditing standards.
    5. Describe the basic concepts of cost and managerial accounting and explain its role in business.
    6. Apply mathematical concepts and technology to interpret, understand and communicate quantitative data.
    7. Apply the conceptual framework, economic reasoning and generally accepted accounting principles to solving accounting problems.
    8. Analyze and interpret economic and financial events for internal decision-making purposes.
    9. Attest to the fairness of financial representations and to the adequacy of internal controls.
    10. Prepare basic individual and business tax returns and apply U.S. tax laws for tax planning purposes.
    11. Effectively produce, interpret and analyze written text, oral messages and multimedia presentations used in business.
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    Table Key: I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed

    Courses Content Critical Thinking Communication
    SLO 1 SLO 2 SLO 3 SLO 4 SLO 5 SLO 6 SLO 7 SLO 8 SLO 9 SLO 10 SLO
    ACG 2021 I I       I I        
    ACG 2071  ​ ​   ​ ​  I I  ​ I​  ​ ​   ​
    CGS 2531           I          
    ECO 2013 I         I          
    ECO 2023 I         I          
    MAC 2233           I          
    STA 2023           I   I      
    Business Core
    BUL 4310 I   I             I  
    FIN 3403 I I       I   I      
    GEB 3373 R, A            
    MAN 3025 I                    
    MAN 4504 R, A         R, A   I      
    MAR 3023 R                    
    QMB 3250 R         R   I      
    ACG 3101 R R         R        
    ACG 3401 R I   I     I   I, A    
    ACG 4111   R, A       R R, A        
    ACG 4341         R, A R   R, A      
    ACG 4632 or
    ACG 5637
          I, A         I, A    
    TAX 4001 or
    TAX 5005
        R, A             R, A  
    GEB 3213                     I, A
    GEB 3218                     I, A

    Assessment Types:
    Course assignments, tax cases, simulations, projects, exams, speeches and the Educational Testing Service's Business Field Test.

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