LAS 2001 Introduction to Latin American Studies
Credits: 3.
Interdisciplinary introduction to the study of Latin American societies and cultures. Provides general knowledge of Latin America and its people, preparing students for future coursework in Latin American studies. (H or S, and N)
LAS 2930 Special Topics in Latin American Studies
Credits: 3; can be repeated with change in content.
Variable topics in Latin American Studies.
LAS 3930 Special Topics in Latin American Studies
Credits: 3; can be repeated with change in content.
Variable topics in Latin American studies.
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 10 credits.
Qualified students choose a topic in Latin American studies that cuts across disciplines. Students work under the supervision of a faculty member affiliated to the Center for Latin American Studies.
Credits: 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 9 credits; Prereq: requires advance approval.
Multidisciplinary variable topics seminar. Required of all candidates for the undergraduate certificate and minor in Latin American studies. (WR)