Geomatics College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1147 and MAC 2311 placement or equivalent.
Introduction to angle, distance and elevation measurement, as applied to engineering, boundary location, topography, forest management and construction. Covers error theory as well as horizontal and vertical curves.
SUR 3323 Visualization of Spatial Information
Credits: 3.
Methods of mapping, modeling, communicating and visualizing spatial features. Includes boundary and topographical features, attributes, site modeling, site development and mapping using computer-aided mapping and design features.
Credits: 2; Prereq: SUR 3103C or equivalent.
Fundamentals of photogrammetry, geometry of vertical and aerial photographs, stereoscopic parallax, geometry of tilted photographs, stereoplotter mapping, close-range photographic analysis and an introduction to digital imagery.
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 3331.
Photographic printing, measurements of vertical aerial photographs, stereoscopic parallax measurement, stereoplotter mapping, project planning and close-range photogrammetric analysis.
Credits: 2.
GIS concepts, surveying and mapping inputs in GIS development, comparison of GIS systems and applications in the natural and physical sciences, engineering and planning.
SUR 3393L Geographic Information Systems Laboratory
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 3393.
Geographic information systems, image processing, remote sensing and digitizing.
Credits: 2; Prereq: SUR 3103C or equivalent.
Geodetic instrumentation, azimuth determination by astronomy, geodetic leveling, geodetic coordinate systems and plane projections.
SUR 3501L Spatial Measurement Systems Laboratory
Credits: 1; Coreq: SUR 3501.
Geodetic instrumentation, electronic data collector, geodetic astronomy and coordinate conversions.
Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 2233, STA 2023 and SUR 3641, or the equivalents.
Theory of measurement errors, error propagation, variance and covariance, polynomial curve fitting, regression analysis, correlation and least squares adjustment.
Credits: 3; Coreq: SUR 3103C or equivalent.
The principles of geometry applied to surveying computations. Computer methods in surveying.
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3103C or equivalent and major in FY-GEM or EG-CE.
The geometric design of transportation systems, computer applications and a comprehensive design project. Spiral curves, superelevation theory and earthwork analysis are covered.
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3331 and SUR 3520, or the equivalents.
Precise photogrammetric measurements, camera calibration, object space coordinate systems, analytical control extension, stereoplotter mapping, digital mapping and softcopy stereoplotters.
Credits: 3. Prereq: requires 4FY-GEM classification.
Remote sensing systems, ground truthing, image classification systems, mapping applications, applications in plant and animal science, urban planning, engineering, geology and integration into geographic information systems.
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3103C or equivalent.
Cadastral systems, land boundaries, corners and areas; writing land descriptions and identification of land parcels; legal principles of boundary survey, office and business practices; professional standing.
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3520 and SUR 4403, or the equivalents.
A study of land survey practice: the lot survey, the sectional survery and the water boundary survery. Also includes office and business practices and professional standing.
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3323 or equivalent; Coreq: SUR 4201.
Students design a medium-sized subdivision, including the master plan development, physical development considerations, legal requirements, comprehensive project, mock presentation and platting.
SUR 4530 Geodesy and Geodetic Positioning
Credits: 3; Prereq: SUR 3103C or equivalent.
Introduction to geometric and physical geodesy, ellipsoids, geodetic lines, computation or position, gravity and coordinate systems.
Credits: 1 to 3.
Special problems or projects in the student's major field of study.
Credits: 1; Prereq: 4FY-GEM classification.
Laboratory, equipment or literature investigations of surveying and mapping problems and concepts of current interest resulting in a written work.
Credits: 1 to 4.
Selected topics in geomatics, including special issues and in-depth study of topics not discussed in other courses.
Credits: 1 Prereq: FY-GEM classification.
Practical field experience of sufficient academic rigor. (S-U)