Academic Learning Compact - Horticultural Science
The horticultural science major prepares you for a career in plant science, including management, production, research, marketing and sales. You will gain knowledge ranging from commodity production and cropping systems to basic plant science and molecular biology. You will develop skills to describe how plant physiology and genetics relate to plant growth and development as well as developing knowledge of plant diseases and other factors that affect horticultural crops.
Additional information is available from your major's website.
Before Graduating You Must
- Pass the horticultural sciences competency test, given in three parts. One part will be given in each of these required courses:
- HOS 3020 Principles of Horticultural Crop Production
- HOS 4304 Horticultural Physiology
- HOS 4341 Advanced Horticultural Physiology
- Achieve minimum grades of C in AEC 3030C and AEC 3033C. These courses are graded using rubrics developed by a faculty team.
- Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.
Skills You Will Acquire in the Major (SLOs)
- Describe fundamental concepts, skills and processes in horticultural science.
- Apply fundamental concepts, skills and processes in horticultural science.
- Critically analyze and interpret data in horticultural science.
- Solve problems in horticultural science.
- Communicate effectively in written form in a manner appropriate in the field of horticultural science.
- Communicate effectively orally in a manner appropriate in the field of horticultural science.
Table Key: I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed
Courses |
Content |
Critical Thinking |
Communication |
SLO 1 |
SLO 2 |
SLO 3 |
SLO 4 |
SLO 5 |
SLO 6 |
AEC 3030C |
I, R, A |
AEC 3033C |
I, R, A |
AGR 3303 |
I |
I |
HOS 3020 |
I, R, A |
I |
I |
I |
HOS 3430C |
I, R |
I, R |
R |
R |
HOS 4304 |
R |
A |
A |
A |
HOS 4341 |
R |
R |
R |
R |
HOS 4933 |
R |
R |
Assessment Types: Class project, writing assignments, exams and final grades.
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