Academic Learning Compact - Food Science and Human Nutrition - Dietetics
Dietetics applies the science of food and nutrition to the health and well-being of individuals and groups. You will learn to use knowledge of nutrient requirements, food sources and physiological systems to determine nutrient and dietary needs of individuals in various life-cycle stages and/or with nutrition-related diseases. You also will apply your knowledge of food science and management principles to food service operations.
Additional information is available from your major's website.
Before Graduating You Must
- Satisfactorily complete a service-learning comprehensive client assessment in DIE 4245 Medical Nutrtion Therapy Applications 1, a systems analysis of a major foodservice event developed by students in DIE 4125L Foodsystems Management Laboratory and a community assessment project in DIE 3310 Community Nutrition. The projects will be graded by rubrics developed, approved and evaluated by a faculty committee.
- Achieve minimum grades of C in AEC 3030C and AEC 3033C. These courses are graded using rubrics developed by a faculty committee.
- Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.
Skills You Will Acquire in the Major (SLOs)
- Use the nutrition care process to make decisions, identify nutrition-related problems and determine and evaluate nutrition interventions.
- Apply management and business theories and principles to the development, marketing and delivery of programs and services.
- Develop outcome measures, use informatics principles and technology to collect and analyze data for assessment and evaluate data for use in decision-making.
- Create, interpret and analyze written text, oral messages and multimedia presentations used in agricultural and life sciences.
Table Key: I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed
Courses |
Content |
Critical Thinking |
Communication |
SLO 1 |
SLO 2 |
SLO 3 |
SLO 4 |
AEC 3030C |
I, R, A |
AEC 3033C |
I, R, A |
DIE 3310 |
I |
I |
DIE 4125 |
R, A |
R |
DIE 4125L |
R |
A |
DIE 4245 |
R |
R |
DIE 4246 |
R |
R |
DIE 4436 |
R |
R |
R |
HUN 4445 |
I |
R |
Assessment Types: Nutrition assessment project, marketing project, systems analysis, speeches and papers.
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