Academic Learning Compact - Agricultural Education and Communication
You will learn the knowledge and skills needed to educate individuals, enhance leadership in communities and organizations and communicate ideas and issues to different audiences. Through formal courses and internship experiences, you will learn to apply principles of communication and educational theory to work-based settings; to create, interpret and analyze written and oral messages and multimedia presentations used in agricultural and life sciences; and to educate and communicate agricultural issues effectively to various audiences.
Additional information is available from your major's website.
Before Graduating You Must
- Agricultural education specialization: Achieve a passing grade on the state of Florida's Professional Knowledge Exam for teacher certification.
- Communication and leadership development specialization: Achieve a minimum grade of C in AEC 4930, the communication and leadership development capstone experience, as evaluated by a committee of faculty.
- Achieve minimum grades of C in AEC 3030C and AEC 3033C.
- Achieve a minimum grade of C in a department internship course (AEC 4942, 4943, 4944 or 4948) or a capstone experience course (AEC 4930).
- Complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree, as determined by faculty.
Skills You Will Acquire in the Major (SLOs) - Agricultural Education Specialization
- Describe, explain and apply fundamental pedagogical concepts, skills and processes.
- Describe, explain and apply fundamental concepts, skills and processes in technical agriculture.
- Analyze and apply data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, inform instruction based on those needs and drive the learning process.
- Critique and assess data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement.
- Demonstrate written communication forms in a manner appropriate in agricultural education.
- Develop oral communication presentations in a manner appropriate in agricultural education.
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Table Key: I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed
Courses |
Content |
Critical Thinking |
Communication |
SLO 1 |
SLO 2 |
SLO 3 |
SLO 4 |
SLO 5 |
SLO 6 |
AEC 3030C |
I, R, A |
AEC 3033C |
I, R, A |
AEC 3323 |
I, R |
AEC 4200 |
I, R |
I, R, A |
R |
AEC 4202 |
I, R |
I, R, A |
R |
AEC 4224 |
I, R |
R |
AEC 4228 |
I, R |
R |
AEC 4942 |
R |
R |
R |
R |
Fla DoE Agriculture Subject Matter Exam |
A |
Fla DoE Professional Certification Exam |
A |
Self Assessment |
A |
A |
A |
A |
Technical Agriculture Coursework |
I, R |
Assessment Types: Technical agriculture coursework, clinical teaching and community profile assignments, exams, self assessment, Florida Department of Education professional teaching certification exam and Florida Department of Education Agriculture Subject Matter exam
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Skills You Will Acquire in the Major (SLOs) - Communication and Leadership Development Specialization
- Describe, explain and apply appropriate communication and leadership development skills and methods to communicate and lead audiences effectively.
- Describe, explain and apply communication and leadership development concepts to various audiences and situations.
- Analyze and assess information related to communication and leadership development issues.
- Solve problems in communication and leadership development.
- Demonstrate written communication forms in a manner appropriate in communication and leadership development.
- Develop oral communication presentations in a manner appropriate in communication and leadership development.
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Table Key: I = Introduced; R = Reinforced; A = Assessed
Courses |
Content |
Critical Thinking |
Communication |
SLO 1 |
SLO 2 |
SLO 3 |
SLO 4 |
SLO 5 |
SLO 6 |
AEC 3030C |
I |
AEC 3033C |
I |
AEC 3070C |
I |
I |
R |
AEC 3073 |
I |
I |
I |
R |
R |
AEC 3209 |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
AEC 3413 |
I |
I |
I |
AEC 3414 |
I |
I |
I |
I |
R |
AEC 4031 |
R |
R |
R |
R |
AEC 4052 |
A |
R |
R |
A |
A |
A |
AEC 4434 |
R |
A |
A |
R |
R |
R |
Self Assessment |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
Assessment Types: Work plans and case studies, research reports, critiques, group presentations and self assessment.
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