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Office of the University Registrar

  • African-American Studies Minor

    Hours: 18 credits, completed with minimum grades of C and no S-U

    This minor honors the applied roots of African-American studies and recognizes the broad range of perspectives in the African diaspora. Department information

    Of the total credits, no more than three may be individual work. Students must complete a minimum of 6 credits of coursework exclusive to the minor that cannot count toward the major(s) or other minors.

    Required Courses

    AFA 2000 Introduction to African American Studies 3
    AFA 3110 Key Issues in African-American and Black Atlantic Thought 3
    AFA courses at the 3000 level 6
    AFA 4936 African American Studies Senior Integrative Seminar 1 3
    AFA 4937 African American Studies Senior Integrative Seminar 2 3
minors: african-american-studies