COP 2271 Computer Programming for Engineers
Credits: 2; can be repeated with change in content up to 6 credits. Prereq: MAC 2312 with minimum grade of C.
Computer programming and the use of computers to solve engineering and mathematical problems. Emphasis will be placed on applying problem solving skills. An intensive course for students pursuing technical careers in fields employing a reasonably high degree of mathematics. The programming language used will depend on the department. In one semester, several languages may be taught, but no more than one per section. Students are required to learn a specific language must enroll in the correct section. (M)
COP 2271L Computer Programming for Engineers Laboratory
Credits: 1; can be repeated with change in content up to 3 credits. Prereq: ISE majors; Coreq: COP 2271.
Optional laboratory course for CGS 2421. Required for ISE majors. (M)
EIN 3101C Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering
Credits: 2; Coreq: ENC 3254.
An introduction to and overview of the profession, including career planning, professionalism and communication, ethics, teamwork, industry site visits, industrial speakers, and selected solution methods for problems in coordination and planning.
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENC 2210 or ENC 3250, and EIN 3101C and STA 4321; Coreq: STA 4322.
The analysis, design and maintenance of work methods. Study of time standards and work sampling. Equipment and workspace design and its impact on human performance.
Credits: 3; Prereq: EIN 4354 and PHY 2049 with minimum grades of C.
Introduction to energy conservation. Supply-demand data, energy economics, investment analysis and energy legislation. Audits, waste heat recovery, cogeneration and computerized energy management systems.
Credits: 3; Prereq: EIN 3314C, EIN 4365, ESI 4221C and ESI 4523; Coreq: EIN 4343.
Integration of industrial and systems engineering methodologies with emphasis on methods of successful implementation. A project and case-study oriented course.
EIN 4343 Inventory and Supply Chain Systems
Credits: 3; Prereq: ESI 4312 and STA 4321; Coreq: ESI 4313.
This course develops students' analytic abilities to formulate and solve inventory and logistics problems faced by today's firms. Students learn to take a comprehensive view of complex inventory and supply-chain systems. Additionally, students develop abilities to model, optimize and design such systems.
Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 2312.
Basic principles and applications of economic decision-making between alternatives encountered in engineering systems projects. The analysis will include methodologies of economics and finance in addition to engineering fundamentals.
EIN 4365 Facilities Planning and Material Handling
Credits: 3; Prereq: EIN 3101C and ENC 3254, and EML 2023 or CGN 2328, all with minimum grades of C; Coreq: EIN 4354.
Principles and methods for analyzing and designing plant facilities. Selected topics include systematic and computerized layout planning, warehouse design, materials handling and automated storage retrieval systems.
Credits: 3. Prereq: ESI 4312 and STA 4321.
Design of flow line, cellular and flexible manufacturing systems. Design and control of lean manufacturing systems. Continuous improvement, small lot production, setup-time reduction, equipment improvement and maintenance. Principles and control of push and pull manufacturing systems. Production planning and operations scheduling.
EIN 4905 Special Problems in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Credits: 1 to 4; can be repeated with change in content up 9 credits.
Problems and systems studies associated with honors programs representing undergraduate research. Selected advanced topics including new developments and techniques in industrial and systems engineering.
EIN 4912 Integrated Product and Process Design 1
Credits: 3; Prereq: EIN 4354 and EIN 4365 with minimum grades of C; Coreq: ESI 4221C.
The first part of a two-course sequence in which multidisciplinary teams of engineering and business students partner with industry sponsors to design and build authentic products and processes-on time and within budget. Working closely with industry liaison engineers and a faculty coach, students gain practical experience in teamwork and communication, problem solving and engineering design, and develop leadership, management and people skills.
EIN 4913 Integrated Product and Process Design 2
Credits: 3; Prereq: EIN 4912.
The second part of a two-course sequence in which multidisciplinary teams of engineering and business students partner with industry sponsors to design and build authentic products and processes-on time and within budget.
EIN 4937 Industrial and Systems Engineering Seminar
Credits: 1; Prereq: 3EG or 4EG standing in industrial and systems engineering.
Lectures and discussions on general and specific engineering problems. Individual investigations and research reports on assigned topics. Orientation for an industrial career. (S-U)
EIN 4944 Practical Work in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 3 credits. Prereq: 4EG classification.
One term of industrial employment, including extra work according to a preapproved outline. Practical engineering work under industrial supervision as set forth in the College of Engineering regulations.
Credits: 3; Prereq: STA 4321; Coreq: STA 4322.
Factors affecting variation in product quality. The use of control charts to evaluate and control manufacturing processes. Techniques for acceptance and reliability testing. Laboratory exercises illustrate the operation and control of manufacturing processes and hazard function. Typical failure distributions, redundant systems, models of repair and maintenance.
Credits: 3; Prereq: C++ computer programming, matrix and numerical methods.
Introduction to the use of linear decision models, particularly linear programming and related decision-analysis optimization software to aid in the analysis and solution of complex, large-scale decision problems. Consideration of related network modeling concepts.
Credits: 3; Prereq: ESI 4312 and STA 4321.
Dynamic programming, optimization and applications; Markov processes and queuing theory; and network analysis.
ESI 4327C Matrix and Numerical Methods in Systems Engineering
Credits: 4; Prereq: MAC 2313 and MAP 2302 with minimum grades of C.
Theory and application of vector, matrix and other numerical methods to systems problems. Simultaneous linear equations, characteristic values, quadratic forms, error analysis, use of series, curve fitting, nonlinear equations, discrete methods. The laboratory sessions will emphasize numerical solutions using MATLAB.
ESI 4356 Decision Support Systems for Industrial and Systems Engineers
Credits: 3; Prereq: COP 2271 with minimum grade of C; Coreq: ESI 4312.
Applications of decision support systems in industrial and systems engineering; developing and implementing decision support systems arising in industrial and systems engineering using popular database management and spreadsheet software.
ESI 4357 Web-Based Decision Support Systems for Industrial and Systems Engineers
Credits: 3; Prereq: COP 2271 with minimum grade of C; Coreq: ESI 4312.
Introduction to the Internet and e-commerce; Internet tools and technologies necessary for the development of Web-based decision support systems; Designing and implementing Web-based decision support systems arising in the practice of industrial and systems engineering using popular software packages.
Credits: 3; Prereq: COP 2271 and STA 4321 with minimum grades of C.
Simulation methodology and languages (such as General Purpose Simulation System - GPSS). Design and analysis of simulation experiments as well as applications to solutions of industrial and service system problems.
Credits: 1 to 3; can be repeated with change in content up to 3 credits.
Practical engineering work under industrial supervision, as set forth in the College of Engineering regulations. (S-U)