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Office of the University Registrar

  • Natural Resource Conservation

    The natural resource conservation (NRC) major allows students to tailor a curriculum that suits their interests and career goals. Working with a faculty adviser, students can elect to focus their curriculum on any number of natural resource fields. Students preparing for advanced degrees in natural resources often elect to complete a broad, interdisciplinary program.

    About This Major

    • College: Agricultural and Life Sciences
    • Degree: Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Conservation
    • Hours for the Degree: 120
    • Minor: No
    • Combined-Degree Program: Yes
    • Website:


    All NRC majors are required to complete eight core courses (24 credits) that span and integrate across forest, wildlife, fisheries and aquatic resources, including bio-physical and socio-economic domains. These courses embrace conservation and production objectives and span local to global scales. They stress the complexities in achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability, develop critical thinking skills, create significant and valuable field experience, and provide the tools needed for graduates to manage, conserve and educate people about natural resources.

    Students work closely with a faculty adviser to select the remaining 36 upper-division credits to create a curriculum plan designed to meet the specific goals of each student. Each curriculum plan must be approved by the program's undergraduate coordinator before the student reaches 70 credits.

    This major is also offered at the West Florida Research and Education Center in Milton, FL. Ideal for place-bound students, this version of the NRC major provides a broad ecology/environmental management curriculum.

    Critical Tracking

    To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college and major requirements.

    Equivalent critical tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course Prerequisites may be used for transfer students

    Semester 1

    • 2.0 UF GPA required for semesters 1-5
    • 2.5 GPA on all critical-tracking coursework for semesters 1-5
    • Complete at least 1 of 7 critical-tracking courses (excluding labs): AEB 2014 or ECO 2013 or ECO 2023, AEC 3030C or SPC 2608, BSC 2010/2010L, CHM 1030 or CHM 2045, MAC 1105, STA 2023, AEC 3033C

    Semester 2

    • Complete at least 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

    Semester 3

    • Complete at least 2 additional critical-tracking course, excluding labs

    Semester 4

    • Complete at least 2 additional critical-tracking courses, excluding labs

    Semester 5

    • Complete all critical-tracking courses, including labs
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    Recommended Semester Plan

    To remain on track, students must complete the appropriate critical-tracking courses, which appear in bold. Students are required to complete HUM 2305 The Good Life (GE-H) in semester 1 or 2.

    Semester 1 Credits
    HUM 2305 What is the Good Life (GE-H)​​ 3​
    MAC 1105 College Algebra (or higher) (GE-M) 3
    Composition (GE-C, WR) 3
    Elective​ 3​
    Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S) 3
    Total 15
    Semester 2 Credits
    CHM 1030 Basic Chemistry Concepts and Applications, Part 1 or
    CHM 2045 General Chemistry 1 (GE-P)
    STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M) 3
    Electives 6
    Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S) or Humanities (GE-H) 3
    Total 15
    Semester 3 Credits
    AEC 3033C Research and Business Writing in Agricultural and Life Sciences (WR) * 3​
    BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of Biology 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) 4
    Electives 8
    Total 15
    Semester 4 Credits
    AEB 2014 Economic Issues, Food and You (3) or
    ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (4) or
    ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (4) (GE-S)
    AEC 3030C Effective Oral Communication or
    SPC 2608 Introduction to Public Speaking
    Elective​ 3​
    Humanities (GE-H) 3
    Physical Science (GE-P) (PHY 2020 Introduction to Principles of Physics recommended)​ 3​
    Total 15-16

    * The following courses may be used as substitutions:
    BOT 2010C for BSC 2010 and 2010L; ENC 2210 or ENC 3254 for AEC 3033C
    Placement tests and/or prerequisites may be necessary for access to certain courses.

    Course availability may necessitate departure from this course sequence. Successful completion is more important than the sequence in which the course is taken.

    Summer B Credits
    FOR 3200C Foundations for Natural Resources and Conservation 3
    Total 3
    Semester 5 Credits
    FAS 4932 Field Ecology of Aquatic Organisms (4) (summer only) or
    FNR 3131C Dendrology/Forest Plants (3) or
    WIS 3402 and 3402L Wildlife of Florida (3) and Wildlife of Florida Lab (1) (spring only) or ZOO 2203C Invertebrate Zoology (4) (spring only)
    FNR 3410C Natural Resource Sampling 3
    FOR 3153C Forest Ecology​ 3​
    Adviser-approved coursework 3
    Total 12-13
    Semester 6 Credits
    FOR 3202 ​Society and Natural Resources 3​
    Adviser-approved coursework 12
    Total 15

    The summer term between the junior and senior year is normally reserved for professional work experience. For questions regarding opportunities, contact the SFRC Student Services office,

    Semester 7 Credits
    FNR 4660 Natural Resource Policy and Economics 3
    FOR 4754C Forest Operations and Wood Utilization ​ 3​
    Adviser-approved coursework 9
    Total 15
    Semester 8 Credits
    FNR 4623C Integrated Natural Resource Management 3
    Adviser-approved coursework 12
    Total 15
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majors: natural-resource-conservation