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Office of the University Registrar

  • Human Capital and the Strategic Work Plan

    The human capital of the university consists of its faculty, students and staff. To achieve the university's mission, it is critical to create a broadly diverse student body, faculty and campus community where students can learn and faculty members can teach and pursue research in many settings and from many perspectives.

    The concept of broadly diverse includes talent, experience and perspective, geographic and socio-economic background as well as culture, race and ethnicity, gender and many other attributes. A diverse campus environment enables students to learn better and to acquire the multicultural skills needed to live and work productively in an increasingly diverse and global world.

    A diverse faculty supports collaborative and creative research that identifies and meets these needs. As the world has become increasingly global, industry and the workplace have depended on higher education and academic research to provide a more diverse workforce to develop and market ideas and products and to identify the needs of its changing societies and cultures.

    The President's 2007 Strategic Work Plan

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