Credits: 3; Prereq: Admission to the honors program.
Bioterrorism directed against agriculture and human health has scientific (development of the threat agent, its deployment, and mitigation), social and legal components. Students will learn how threats may be alleviated and future attacks be responded to. Discussions will include how risk is best communicated to affected citizens
Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: refer to the department.
Various courses offered. (WR)
ALS 4161 Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010/2010L and BSC 2011/2011L or equivalent; Coreq: One of the following: AGR 3005, HOS 3020, ENY 3005/ 3005L or PLP 3002C.
Study of U.S. policies and programs affecting agricultural biosecurity. Attention is devoted to current agricultural and extension and regulatory programs. Emphasis is on policies and procedures in detecting and reporting non-indigenous species. Students will develop the analytical capabilities to assess the consequences of agricultural biosecurity threats.
ALS 4162 Consequences of Biological Invasions
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010/2010L and BSC 2011/2011L or equivalent.
This course focuses on non-native species invasions and environmental effects of these invaders. Students will develop analytical capabilities to assess the consequences of biological invasions.
ALS 4163 Challenges in Plant Resource Protection
Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010/2010L and BSC 2011/2011L or equivalent; Coreq: One of the following: AGR 3005, HOS 3020, ENY 3005/ 3005L or PLP 3002C.
This course will provide students with applied training in the regulatory aspects of plant protection, using real-world case studies, scenarios and issues.
Credits: 3.
General education course for lower-division undergraduates who would like to learn popular information about insects and associated organisms. (B)
Credits: 3.
An introduction to insect biology, insect-organism interaction and insect association with man. Features discussion of basic biological principles using insects as examples. (B)
Credits: 2; Prereq: ENY 3005L.
An introduction to principles of insect study. Lectures on insect structure, development, evolutionary history of insects and ecological significance. (B)
ENY 3005L Principles of Entomology Laboratory
Credits: 1; Coreq: ENY 3005.
Provides practical experience working with insects, use of laboratory equipment, dissection of insects, prepare lab reports. Collection required. (B)
Credits: 3.
An introduction to insects and their interactions with man and the environment.
Credits: 3.
The roles of insects in nature. The course will consist primarily of field exercises and experiments and is designed for non-majors.
Credits: 3.
Field-oriented surveys of invertebrate biodiversity and conservation.
Credits: 1.
Provide experience in identifying insect pests commonly found in the urban environment. Recognizing and diagnosing urban pest problems through site visits, problem solving videos and developing pest management solutions for pests that invade structures.
ENY 3222C Biology and Identification of Urban Pests
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Biology, behavior, ID and damage recognition of insect and vertebrate pest.
ENY 3225C Principles of Urban Pest Management
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Methods of controlling household, structural and occasional pests with emphasis placed on cockroaches, termites and fleas.
ENY 3228 Urban Vertebrate Pest Management
Credits: 2.
The biology, ecology, health risks, exclusions and control of vertebrate pests in the urban environment.
Credits: 3.
Biology, identification and management of arthropods that infect turfgrass and ornamental plants in urban landscape and in nurseries and greenhouses.
Credits: 3.
Emphasis on biology and management options for the control of insect pests associated with woody plants.
ENY 3563 Introduction to Tropical Entomology
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Natural history, ecology and behavior of tropical insects in natural and agroecosystems. Designed for students without previous experience in tropics.
ENY 3564L Tropical Entomology Field Laboratory
Credits: 2; Prereq: ENY 3563.
A 10-day trip to a tropical country to study the insect faunas of natural and agroecosystems. Each student is assigned a field project.
ENY 3565 Tropical Horticultural Entomology
Credits: 2; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Ecology and control of arthropod pests of tropical ornamental plants and fruit trees. (Ft. Lauderdale campus)
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Classification of major families of adult insects with emphasis on their identification, habitat and niche. A properly curated collection is required. (B)
Credits: 3; Prereq / Coreq: ENY 3005L or equivalent entomology laboratory.
An introduction to insects and other arthropods and their relationships with wild vertebrate animals.
Credits: 2.
Taxonomy, identification, behavior, ecology, and methods of control for the economically important termites in the New World.
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
This course is to give students practical work experience in urban pesticide application. Students will have the opportunity to see certain pest management problems on campus and in residences.
ENY 4453 Behavioral Ecology and Systematics
Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Introduction to behavioral ecology and systematics of insects. (B)
Credits: 3.
An introduction to social wasps, bees, ants and termites: their natural history; social behavior; division of labor, caste differentiation, evolution, identification and rearing. Laboratory involves live insects.
Credits: 3.
The organization of a bee colony, life processes, races of bees, manipulation, value of colonies, nectar and pollen sources, pollination value, diseases, selection of apiary sites, economic importance of the industry, equipment and marketing of products. (B)
Credits: 3; Prereq: Junior standing.
The biology of honey bees and the craft of apiculture will be examined by exploring the natural history, biogeography and ecology of honey bees. Honey bee anatomy, physiology, colony social structure, pests/diseases, pollination ecology, management and current topics in beekeeping will be discussed.
ENY 4660 Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Credits: 2; Prereq: ENY 3005 and ENY 3005L.
Presents the major insect, mite and tick vectors of disease to man and animals. Learn about arthropod-transmitted diseases, the interaction between pathogens and the arthropod vector, and the mechanical damage that a parasite inflicts on its host. (B)
ENY 4660L Medical and Veterinary Entomology Laboratory
Credits: 1; Coreq: ENY 4660.
Learn to identify mosquitoes, ticks, lice, fleas, and other disease vectors. Collection required. (B)
Credits: 3.
The role of arthropods in decomposition, in criminal and civil investigations and the increasing importance of science on society. The material discussed in this course deals with death and some may consider images and concepts disturbing.
Credits: 1; Coreq: ENY 4701.
Laboratory and field experiments designed to accompany ENY 4701 that will involve decomposing pig carcasses or other applied forensic applications.
Credits: 1 to 5; can be repeated up to 5 credits. Prereq: ENY 3005 and the basic course in selected specialization.
Problems in any field of specialization in entomology and nematology.
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: must be admitted to the Agriculture Honors Program.
A special project course restricted to students in the college's Honors Program. Students complete a project on a selected topic, issue or problem in research, teaching or extension. The project will be reviewed by two faculty chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.
Credits: 3.
An introduction to nematology including studies of morphology, life histories, and control of the major nematode parasites of plants. Also, studies of the bionomics of certain soil nematodes and nematode parasites of vertebrates and arthropods. (B)
Credits: 1 to 4.